Success Story

AFGA's Community Outreach Midwives

Immediately after the earthquack in Gayan District of Paktika province in june 2022, AFGA through IPPF’s Stream 3 project, delplyed a team of healther workers to provide Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) to affected population. Hunderds of people were injured and many lost their lives and thousands of people displaced. Many women were in need of basic health services. 


One of these women is Surah who came to the AFGA Static Clinic in the Gayan District. Living in Gayan district of Paktika province, Surah is a 32 years old woman. It is been 12 years that she is married and is the mother of 6 children. Her youngest child is only 6 months of age. Surah didn’t know anything about and had not used any family planning methods between her pregnancies which caused her and her infants to suffer from severe malnutrition. 


One day Ms. Surah along with her husband visited AFGA clinic and met Dr.Marya Saqeb a gynecologist. When Dr. Marya checked her health condition, she found that she suffers from severe malnutrition due to consecutive deliveries. Dr. Marya provided counseling, she accepted using contraceptive-POP tablets method. She states that by using this tablet her milk has increased, her little child has gained weight compared to the previous month, and has less diarrhea. 


The contraceptive helped her to avoide consecutive pregrancies and consequently enabled her to feed her child properly. Ms. Sura expressed her deep happiness with the provision of health services by AFGA and said that Allah will reward you. In rural Afghanistan, the awareness of people about family planning methods and their acceptance are very low.