Japan Supplementary Budget (JSB 2) Project

The JSB 2 Project was funded by the Government of Japan through IPPF. The project started in June 2023 and ended in November 2023. It promoted Reproductive Health Services through 45 Community Outreach Midwives and 59 Family Health Houses (FHHs) in 8 provinces of Afghanistan. The services are provided in Parwan, Kapisa, Logar, Balkh, Laghman, Bamiyan, Badakhshan and Samangan Provinces. AFGA Satellite Health Clinic in Gayan District of Paktika Province also provided health services to the earthquake-affected population.


During the project life cycle a total of 248,165 services were provided and a total of 110,299 clients were reached. These services included Family Planning, Gynecology, STI, HIV, safe abortion care, subfertility, urology, and non-reproductive health services. 


A training workshop was conducted for JSB 2 project assistants in the AFGA main office. Besides, 20 midwives from Logar and Laghman provinces participated in the LARC training conducted in Rabia Balkhi Maternity Hospital. The project team also participated in the DHIS 2 Orientation and Result Framework Workshop facilitated by IPPF/SARO.


In addition, under this project, a 2-Day Malaria Refresher Training was conducted for FHH midwives of Logar Province. Along with these activities, the FHHs of the mentioned provinces were regularly supervised by project assistants.