23, Sept, 2023

Static Clinics

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is the core and primary source of AFGA funding for its program implementation. AFGA is making joint advocacy efforts on SRH with other stakeholders to achieve policy and legislation change; meanwhile, AFGA is also doing community awareness-raising events to accomplish the FP 2030 goals. AFGA will empower youth and women through various interventions, such as supporting networks for strengthening gross root voices on SRHR. Through IPPF Core funding, AFGA is delivering a quality integrated package of essential services through 9 static clinics, 60 community outreach midwives, and two mobile clinics in six provinces of Afghanistan (Kabul, Kapisa, Balkh, Herat, Parwan, and Nangarhar). AFGA is also working to strengthen the organizations accountability by implementing a healthy and sound financial system and data management for decision-making through adopting the DHIS 2 system.

  • Time:

    8AM to 4PM

  • Date:

    23, Sept, 2023

  • Category:


  • Location:

    AFGA Main Hall